Selena July 13th moved to Capricorn and will be there for seven months. It’s the greatest time for the representatives of the sign of Capricorn and activities related with Capricorn.
What is Selena (White Moon)?
Selena (White Moon) is not a planet, but a mathematically calculated point in Persian astrology, connected with Moon’s orbit. Thousands of years of experience, however, show that its impact is no less, and perhaps even greater, than the planets. Selena is like a guardian angel, which brings protection and blessings for the sign and house where he is natal horoscope, opening up opportunities, and guarding against evil. It has to do with bright karma and merits.
What protection does Selena in Capricorn give and to whom?
Well, first of all, Selena provides blessing, purification, and bright protection to the Capricorn sign and the areas related to Capricorn.
What are those areas? Mountains and everything related with them, minerals, economics, various structures, hierarchy, as well as government. Selena gives us what we need for evolution, but if there are things that lead us to degradation, it can take them away from us.
So in the next seven months, cleansing can take place in various hierarchical structures, and it is hopeful that they will seek to gain purity, seriousness, and responsibility. All forms of assistance and protection for the elderly should be strengthened, with attention paid to their needs and a fair assessment of their work and merits.
To what kind of people does Selena give protection?
Selena gives protection to the people responsible, strong, not moaning, but performing their duties and taking responsibility. On the other hand, it is a great time for all of us to cultivate these qualities, to become stoic.
Capricorn countries are Estonia, Tibet, and China.
So these countries can either get a lot of protection or experience cleansing. Selena, like the rising sun, illuminates the dirt and forcing to clean it, showing the way how this can be done. On the other hand, if merits are accumulated, the country can become an example to all, especially about finances and how possible to gain economic stability, and prosperity in difficult conditions.
In the body, Capricorn areas are – knees, ears, indirectly – bones, and teeth.
These organs are beneficial to treat.
What protection does Selena in Capricorn provide to zodiac signs?
Aries. Selena provides bright protection for a career, but it’s important to pursue goals that provide well-being for many people. If you set yourself high with selfless goals, then Selena will help you achieve them.
Taurus. Selena gives the opportunity to become a teacher, an authority, especially in the fields of economics, and finances, if the motivation is selfless, with the desire to help people understand the secrets of economics, finance, reduce poverty, help earn money. This time is favorable for traveling.
Gemini. Selena will provide protection in emergencies, or starting your own business, but it is important to have courage, consistency, resilience to take action, and responsibility for it. You need to acquire systemic knowledge and use it to help others, especially in the fields of finances and investments.
Cancer. Selena will provide opportunities and protection through partners if they are taken seriously, responsibly, with loyalty. To be successful, you need to create a proper image, use diplomacy, learn to cooperate, then you can become a reliable consultant and help to solve problems for others and find a way out of difficult situations. It’s a good time for marriage, and signing contracts.
Leo. You will receive protection and blessings if you gain modesty and a desire to help people. Then your efforts and professionalism will be appreciated, you will become a bright guide to others, and your work will provide satisfaction to you. On the other hand, you can not only significantly improve your health, and recover from diseases, but also become a healer. It is favorable to engage in the provision of services and the promotion of a healthy life style.
Virgo. You will receive love from children, loved ones, as well as protection for them. Your long-term patient efforts will be appreciated and rewarded. It is a great time to engage in new hobbies, develop creativity or spend time with children. You have the right to enjoy life, to relax, to play, to create long-term creative plans.
Libra. Your home, family, and relatives will gain protection. It is good to start a family, or a baby, move into a new home or improve an existing one. For this to happen, it is important to respect your parents, ancestors, homeland, be loyal, and seek to know oneself better.
Scorpio. You will be supported by your close environment, brothers, sisters, or neighbors. Be trustworthy in your environment and you will receive important information, opportunities, and valuable acquaintances from it. Your selfless help will be rewarded. Be happy to learn new things independently, improve your qualifications, and share information.
Sagittarius. If you are ethical, loyal, and keeping your commitments, you can earn well, and get financial protection. It is a goot time to strategize long-term activities, manage finances, consolidate the income-outcome balance. You can discover good earning opportunities through the best you can give to the world with your talents.
Capricorn. Few years you had gone through challenges when you had to protect your values, and purify yourself. If you endured it, it’s already a victory. And now you can experience bright protection, using your duty, professionalism to realize the things that are important to you, open the best opportunities, and take initiatives. It is a time of bright self-realization. If your goals are important to the world – go ahead, you will have support, you will become a guide to others, teaching loyalty, perseverance, and duty.
Aquarius. Spiritual practices will provide you protection. It is quite good to be in solitude, which may not frighten you but allows you to better understand yourself, hear the guidance of the spirit, and discover a God in yourself. It is a proper time to participate in charity, to take some time for meditation, to receive powerful initiations, to meet spiritual teachers, or to experience spiritual healing. You can also become a spiritual guide for others yourself if motivation is cleansed of selfishness.
Pisces. You will experience protection through friends, in collective activity, or as part of a community. It is favorable to organize and participate in various projects, especially if they are intended to help the Earth, humanity. It is good to join ecological and social projects, and teamwork. To be successful and blessed, it is important to be friendly, align with the team, then you will have the best opportunities.
If you want Selena’s protection, and care
- Engage in hiking.
- Raise qualifications, professionalism, create long-term career plans.
- Keep your commitments.
- Take an interest in economics, savings, investments, pay attention and time to arrange financial accounting, and balance.
- Take care of elders, show respect to your ancestors.
- Develop stoicism, a common mind, practicality, and responsibility.
- It is a good idea to start activities related to mountains, minerals, financial accounting, for treating or healing bones, and teeth.