Planetary aspects
Important to know
Planetary aspects
Aspect is a certain angular distance between two planets in horoscope. The aspect is not any distance: it is obtained by dividing the wheel (360˚) into a certain number of parts (usually from 1 to 10). The distance in the circle is measured in degrees. If there are planets at this distance, they will form an aspect.
Minor and Major Aspects
Major are the basic aspects of the horoscope, therefore some astrologers use only the Major aspects: connection, sextile, trine, square, opposition. These aspects were defined by Ptolemy in the 1st century AD so they sometimes are called Ptolemaic.
Connection (0˚) – connection, integrity.
Sextile (60˚) – support, good circumstances, opportunities.
Square (90˚) – struggle, drama, chalenge.
Trine (120˚) – gifts, success, harmony.
Opposition (180˚) – opposition.
Minor aspects are quincunx (150), semi-sextile (30), semi-square (45), sesqui-square (135), septile (51,5), novile (40), quintile (72).
Favorable (Soft) and Unfavorable (Hard) Aspects
Aspects are divided into Favorable and Unfavorable.
Favorable – trine and sextile – create success and good fortune without big efforts.
Unfavorable – square and opposition – creates tension, stress, drama, they push one out of comfort zone.
The effect of conjunction depends on planets and other aspects.