Lilith Black Moon in astrology is not a planet, but a certain, so-called virtual point related to the Moon’s and the Earth’s orbits. Generally speaking, this is the point where the Earth and the Moon interact the least, and the Earth receives the least light from the Moon, where it seems that Moon wants to move away from the Earth, to escape from its orbit.
In astrology, this virtual point is associated with temptations, a possible degradation arising from extreme selfishness. The area (zodiac sign and astrological house) in which the Black Moon is located in the natal chart is particularly vulnerable and darkened. A person is haunted by a seemingly inadequate, logically inexplicable sense of guilt and insecurity in the areas touched by Lilith in a natal chart.
In a person’s character, the Black Moon means a flaw, temptations, and therefore vulnerability. A person has less self-confidence, feels insecure, or, in a more serious case, continues to do bad things in these areas. As a rule, it is difficult to find a golden middle: either person excessively uses that power, but disharmoniously, or they are afraid to use their power at all. It would be difficult to explain within the framework of one life why one person exhibits a certain quality from childhood and another does not. But once the realization is set that the soul has many incarnations, then everything falls into place.
Black Moon Lilith in zodiac signs
If the Black Moon was in Aries at the time of birth, then that person abused courage and strength. Perhaps he was a warrior who killed for the sake of killing, regardless of anything, devoted to the passion, the rage, of destruction. As a result, two options are possible: either a person has uncontrollable tantrums, and traumatizes himself and others, or he is just a coward, afraid to use power because he knows from his experience that it can end badly.
If a person’s Black Moon is in Taurus, it means that he somehow abused prosperity, and wealth, was greedy, and sought to get rich unfairly by exploiting others. As a consequence, there can be greed or, on the contrary, the fear of money, and wealth in general, believing that it will lead to degradation.
If the Black Moon is in Gemini, it means that a person has misused the information, distorting it, harming others, or seeking personal gain. It can be a forgery, falsification, theft, and the like. As a result, for this person, it can be difficult to work with information, there are errors in handling documents, accusations of falsification, and failures of communication tools. A person can either continue to lie, or just appear naive, easily deceived by others.
If the Black Moon is in Cancer, it means that the person somehow harmed families, and babies, abandoned his mother or betrayed his homeland. As a result, it may be difficult to find a place for yourself in your homeland, create a family, have a baby, or own a home, and experience tenderness, and intimacy.
If the Black Moon is in Leo, it means that the person failed the test of power, became a despot or committed crimes against children. As a result, either this despotism continues to manifest itself, or he is afraid to express himself, afraid to be a leader. Children can cause problems for these people, sometimes they even fear having kids or falling in love.
If the Black Moon is in Virgo, then the person has somehow committed a crime while performing his duties. Perhaps he betrayed the Hippocratic Oath, perhaps otherwise neglected his duties, causing harm to others. The result can be excessive formalism or haunting clutter. Such a person usually avoids hospitals because he is afraid of meeting bad doctors (and now it is clear why).
If the Black Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, then it is likely that black magic was practiced or there was degradation through fornication of common finances. As a result, there may be increased dramatism, destroying oneself and others, unbridled passions, bankruptcy, mental collapse, or falling into traps. Spells and magic should be avoided.
If the Black Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, then such a person who committed a crime against faith, was a cynic who destroyed the faith of others, or a fanatic who imposed his faith on others. As a consequence, there can be fanaticism, or, on the contrary, fear of any spirituality, therefore it is more difficult to approach spiritual teachers. There may be difficulties with foreign trips.
If the Black Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, it means that the person pursued his goals excessively selfishly, and was cruel and indifferent to others in pursuit of status. As a consequence, formalism, exaggerated careerism, or, on the contrary, fear of taking on leadership positions, harassment from bosses, and difficulty in career advancement can occur.
If the Black Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, then the person has violated freedom, was an anarchist, destroyed life as a result of a scientific experiment, or betrayed his friends. As a consequence, there may be mistrust of friends, inability to maintain a friendship, cynicism, technocracy, betrayal of friends, failures of technologies, and becoming a victim of scientific experiments.
If the Black Moon is in Pisces, it means that a person has somehow committed a crime against spirituality, temples, monasteries, or the weak, created swindles, and fooled others. Maybe he was a monk or priest who broke his vows, or maybe he mocked the disabled. As a consequence, people with mental disabilities, alcoholics, or invalids in a close environment can be.
Three levels of Lilith
So all people, if they are born on Earth, have a Black Moon somewhere at their birth, but not everyone has the same intensity of Lilith. If there are planets nearby, then Black Moon acquires a greater power of action, because the temptations have more power to manifest themselves.
Lilith should not be seen as fatal, as this increases its influence even more. But this information should be used in order to purify you and improve yourself.
Also, you need to know that Lilit, like Selena, has three levels:
- In the worst case, a person continues to live a sinful life, doing bad things and not even feeling sorry for them.
- At the average level, a person experiences retribution by experiencing the consequences of experiencing the bad behavior of others in that area.
- At the simplest level, a person neither does nor experiences evil in that area, but recognizes evil from a distance and wants to warn others about it. It is preferable that he corrects its consequences by repaying karmic debts.