Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system that makes up the largest mass – more than twice the size of all other planets put together. Jupiter guarantees the stability of the solar system, so it is called the King Star or the Great Patron. Jupiter’s movement has a profound effect on the entire solar system.
Also, the cycle of Jupiter is almost equal to one year, so it is not surprising that from the ancient times it has been associated with the calendar year and its characteristics. Jupiter’s position in the zodiac sign is the basis of the Chinese character of the year. This year it changes position 2/12/2019 and will leave Capricorn in 19/12/2020.
What are the links between Jupiter’s position and the Chinese year?
Who is Jupiter affected by?
Jupiter has a strong influence on all processes, because it is about development, authority and, through that, success. Jupiter expands, enlarges, actualizes the field into which it enters. It is particularly concerned with international relations, travel, law, justice, governance and education and has a profound influence on all major societal processes, especially on international relations.
Jupiter makes big influence if it is in strong position in birth horoscope. Strong Jupiter’s position is in Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer zodiac signs. Such people are particularly affected by changes in Jupiter’s position. Othervise Jupiter ir also important when it is on Ascendant or MC, or in Angular houses.
If Jupiter is in a weak position (Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn), if it is not highlighted in the horoscope (not in Angelar houses), its effect may not be as pronounced.
What does Jupiter’s position in Capricorn brigs to all of us?
Jupiter entering Capricorn means that it is in a weak position, so we should not expect to be successful without any effort. When Jupiter comes to Capricorn it will demand from all of us austerity, prudence, seriousness, responsibility and patience. With such a position nothing is given for nothing, everything has to be earned through the effort, professionalism. On the other hand, important is responsible use of resources, and ability to stockpile, therefore this year has been named the Year of the Rat.
This does not necessarily mean an economic crisis (though it can!), but in any case, it means bigger frugality.
In a positive sense, this position teaches sobriety and responsibility, a serious attitude, and gives the strategists fortitude and confidence that “I will not go anywhere, under any circumstances, I can survive and even accumulate resources to achieve my goals.”
In a negative sense, it can trigger stinginess, going into a position of poverty (not necessarily being, but feeling so), gloominess, numbness, depression, restraint, formalism.
However, good news is that during this period, Jupiter is not doing only long term non harmonious aspects, but also will do harmonious aspects with Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces. It is encouraging that economic transformation will not be very cruel. More difficult periods are expected when the Sun will travel in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and when Jupiter will do conjunction with Pluto.
Success for all this year depends on responsibility, professionalism, practicality, inner strength, talent of the strategist, sober attitude and ability to calculate risks.
What kind of success Jupiter gives this year for Zodiac Signs?
A challenging, ambitious year that brings a lot of tension, but offers the opportunity for the career if you put in the enough effort and look at the situation more broadly.
A successful year which brings success, development, fame in society, foreign travel and conections. It is a good time to present your activities. You can become an authority, a teacher to others, especially in matters of economy and finances.
The year of transformation, the test of your inner strength. You can start your own business if you dare to take risks or open the mysteries of esotericism. It’s time to become a spirit warrior.
Much will depend from partners, from the right image and presenting yourself in society. Year opens up opportunities for partnership, success through a partner. Feel free to work with your audience – listen to their needs if you want success.
This year will give you a lot of work. If you don’t avoid it, it can be quite good, efective year for you. However, it is important to take care of your health – to move on to a healthier lifestyle, there will be enough opportunities to take advantage.
A successful year for love, creativity, good time to conceive a baby. It opens up opportunities for creativity, love dating or just a leisure, fun hobby – you finally deserve recreation, entertainment, enjoyment.
There is a lot of tension, your family need more attention or may be you will move to a bigger home. Opportunities are about family and inner growth. Spend more time at home, listen to yourself.
Not a bad year, you will be fluent in your environment – it will provide you with support. A good year for traveling, learning, upskilling, trading, making valuable contacts. These are essential opportunities.
This year offers a lot of potential if you will have patience, sobriety, practicality, and the ability to draw on past experience.
Obstacles gradually come to an end – finally, the time to unfold your personality, self-expression, and opportunities for personal growth opens up. Your practicality, professionalism will become visible, appreciated, you will become a leader.
It is a year of inner accumulation, a year of preparation for the new cycle, which restrict contacts but opens up the inner space, an opportunity for sacred creation, spiritual practices, and secret protection. You can get powerful initiations, purification of your karma.
Good year for successful projects and making friends, opens up new opportunities through social activities and influential friends. You will be important in the collectives, receiving support and approval from them.
I wish for all of us that the practical, rigorous Jupiter in Capricorn would teach us all the wisdom, sobriety, fortitude, strategy in the most harmonious way and help us to achieve our most important goals.