Selena, or White Moon, moved from Scorpio to Sagittarius on December 15th and will be on this sign for seven months, until 2021 July 16th. It significantly changes the astrological tendencies, or more precisely, it shows where and why we receive blessings and protection.
What does Selena, or White Moon, mean?
Selena is not a planet but a mathematically calculated point associated with the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, with its greatest approach to the Earth. Selena expresses the accumulation of good karma, protection, and blessing; it is as a guardian angel providing support for the Zodiac sign and house in which Selena travels.
Selena is the point of the least selfishness and the greatest altruism, showing that we have unselfishly done many good actions without expecting a reward. But the reward always comes. White Moon manifests itself as a calm conscience, cleanliness, clear perception, and the ability to have well-being in its area (health, finances, relationships, etc.). Selena gives as much as is needed for total well-being, and, on the contrary, it can take away something that would disturb evolution. So although Selena does not have a “physical body,” this virtual point has a powerful effect on human destiny.
Western astrology knows little about Selena, but a lot about this virtual point is written in Persian astrology texts (Avesta).
Selena in Sagittarius
Selena’s position is special in this period because it travels in Sagittarius together with Ketu, highlighting the past good actions, protecting those who deserve it – it will not be given in advance. On the other hand, Selena can uncover and correct injustices, which were done in the past, and punish the perpetrators.
The main positive qualities of Sagittarius are kindness, optimism, faith, intelligence, and broad views. Thus, Selena in Sagittarius provides protection to positive, open-minded people who have a clear, independent worldview, who value education, and are interested in public life, standing faithfully in the guard of truth and law.
Selena in Sagittarius punishes cynics, adventurers, deceivers, fanatics, and offenders of justice and the law.
Selena in Sagittarius provides a blessing to those whose Sun in Sagittarius if it is expressed harmoniously. These are fair, respectful, and positive people with a broad worldview. However, if the Sun is not harmonious, it can manifest itself in adventurism, cynicism, and lack of responsibility. Such people would experience Selena’s cleansing power as a demand for responsibility. Selena will show their mistakes and consequences, forcing them to correct them. During this period, Selena assists in clarifying injustices, violations of law, education, and justice.
On the other hand, it is beneficial for everyone to develop justice, optimism, kindness, and the effort to defend essential, spiritual values in this period.
What should be done?
- Maintain faith, positivity, and joy.
- To form an independent worldview.
- To defend spiritual principles.
- To open up to the world, to develop human solidarity and respect.
- Evaluate education, intelligence, the pursuit of knowledge, broaden the worldview, and study.
What should be avoided?
- Fanaticism.
- Violations of the law.
- Hostility to other nations and cultures.
- Cynicism, nihilism, and disrespect.
- Conformism and fear.
What areas does Selena is Sagittarius protect?
Selena brings gifts as authority, recognition, prosperity, bright power and removes obstacles for those who developed Sagittarius virtues – faith, justice, kindness, intelligence, and broad world view. But areas associated with Selena will experience stronger karmic cleansing too. Selena, like the shining Sun, brightly illuminates dirt that was previously less visible.
The areas of Sagittarius are justice, law, politics in general, philosophy, religion, higher education, tourism, aviation, international relations, and emigration. In these areas, cleansing tendencies and exposing problems will take place, empowering those who strive not only for themselves but also for the good of the Earth and humanity. On the other hand, due to Ketu’s presence on the same Zodiac sign, nothing will be given in advance in these areas. They will be forced to look back and take on the consequences of past actions. So we can expect reorganization of law, education, tourism, and aviation systems.
Some typical Sagittarius countries are Poland, Mexico, Brasil, Australia. Cities – Vilnius, New York.
Sagittarius organs – hips, thighs, as well as liver, blood circulation.
Color – blue.
Selena in Sagittarius for Zodiac signs
What protection does Selena provide to zodiac signs?
♈️ Protection will be provided by knowledge of the laws, a broad worldview. You can gain respect if you are worthy or meet important people. If you want protection, improve yourself, travel, and study. You can become a teacher if you don’t bother to learn and not be self-absorbed.
♉️ You will experience protection in business, finance if you realize it comes from an inner force if you do not ignore the spirit guiding. The less you will be noticed, the more protection and blessing you will get. If you are worthy, you can get deep spiritual experiences. Based on this, get into your daily chores.
♊️ The partner will provide protection and support. You can conclude good contracts and gain popularity if you deserve it. It is important to cooperate, but relying on justice and generosity in the communication, you should not forget to go your own way and realize your nature and talents.
♋️ Protection will be provided by the honest, fair, and benevolent performance of their duties. Look for what you can do for the world, and you will have not only enough work but also the gratitude of others, protection of destiny, and good health. However, it is important not to get caught up in the routine and realize that the basic responsibilities are spiritual.
♌️ Protection will be provided by love, joy, and creativity. Creative inspiration, success for children, the consent of a loved one are possible if there are accumulated karmic reasons for this. Based on your inner warmth and creativity, you must learn to work together with others and cultivate friendship.
♍️ Protection will be provided by the walls of the native home, family, and ancestors. Express gratitude to them, and you will be protected. You can have a baby, improve housing if you deserve it. But based on the family’s support, you must realize your goals in society and improve your career.
♎️ Protection will be provided by communication and a close environment. You can gain meaningful acquaintances and discover valuable information. You will be able to become a teacher and gain authority.
♏️ Protection will be provided by the ability to take care of oneself and others, fair distribution of resources, and at the same time, by a broad attitude and justice. If you have mastered this, you can now find ethical sources of earning and earn well, but only as much as you are worth it. Based on this, take a good interest in business and investment issues, create a business plan.
♐️ This position brings blessing, protection to the personality; you can become an example to others, inspiring faith and optimism. You will be rewarded for it, but you will only get what you are worth. If you ignored it, you can clearly see where you have made mistakes and correct them. Cultivating one’s good qualities, one should listen to partners’ opinions and learn to cooperate too.
♑️ You will receive protection through spiritual practices and patrons; you can gain secret helpers, spiritual guidance, support if you have accumulated spiritual merits, developed faith, and justice. Based on this, you will solve your daily tasks and manage work matters, which should not be avoided.
♒️ Friends and collective activities will provide protection. You can meet your comrades, get involved in the humanitarian projects that the Earth so desperately needs. Allow yourself bright dreams – they will provide protection. Based on this, allow yourself to create, nurture love, and take care of children and loved ones.
♓️ You can get protection if you set high goals for yourself and pursue them, will be faithful to your principles. You will not agree with the small; use perseverance. You can succeed in your career if your goals are important to the world. However, it would help if you did not forget your family, ancestors, and your homeland.