Selena, or the White Moon, has moved from Libra to Scorpio on May 16 and will be at this sign for seven months, until December 15th. This significantly changes the astrological background, or more precisely, through what and why we receive protection, a blessing.
About Selena in Sagittarius you’ll find here:
What does Selena mean?
Selena is not a planet, but a mathematically calculated point associated with the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, with its greatest approach to the Earth, when it receives the most Sunlight from the Moon (well, one of the Moon’s functions and is to reflect Sunlight to the Earth at night).
In a karmic sense, Selena expresses the accumulation of good karma, protection, and blessing to the soul, it is as a guardian angel providing light support for Zodiac sign and house where Selena travels.
Selena is the point of the least selfishness and the greatest altruism, showing in which area we have unselfishly done much good without expecting a reward, but the reward always comes. White Moon manifests itself as a calm conscience, cleanliness, and a clear perception, the ability to have well-being in the field it is (whatever it is – health, finances, relationships). Selena, on the other hand, gives as much as is needed for total well-being, (on the contrary, she can take away something that would disturb evolution. So although Selena does not have a physical body, this point has a very strong effect on human destiny.
Western astrology knows little about Selena, but a lot about this virtual point is written in Persian astrology (Avesta).
Selena in Scorpio
Selena in Scorpio provides protection for brave people who do not retreat in emergencies, for those who keep their values event at high risk, who defend their values, but not in an aggressive way, not pursuing selfish goals and control, the enslavement of others. Selena punishes and stops such people enlightening and exposes their dark intentions.
Selena in Scorpio is the light of spiritual power, the light of a selfless defender, the light of a white magician. For this one must overcome the desire of power, survival programs, and choose the selfless help for the human world to emerge. A great example of that is the episode of “The Lord of the Rings” when Gandalf the Gray becomes Gandalf the White. Only by embarking on a desperate struggle against evil, despite possible death, he experienced a powerful transformation.
Thus, on the one hand, Selena in Scorpio provides a blessing to those whose with Sun or Selena in Scorpio, for those who have the courage and inner strength, the ability not to get lost in extreme situations. However, if the Sun is not harmonious, that force can manifest itself destructively, such as predation and the desire to control – then they would experience braking and the purifying power of Selena this period.
On the other hand, everyone during this period is turned away from developing these qualities – courage and distraction in extreme situations, without becoming either cowardly or abducted.
Calm courage, arising from the realization of inner strength, from the realization that “I am an eternal spirit that no one can destroy and no one have the right to enslave”, is the key to the divine protection and blessing in this period.
What should we do?
- Develop courage, inner resilience.
- Learn to defend your values, the spiritual origin within us.
- Learn martial arts, tai-chi, and other energy practices.
- Observe your energies, learn to control them, transform them.
- Look back at the spirit, its power. Understanding that we are spiritual beings is true spirituality.
- Take self-employment, build a business, take responsibility for your destiny, and finances.
What should be avoided?
- Fear, panic. By feeding fear you feed the dark side, you give out your energy and your destiny.
- Betray spirituality because of fear and survival programs.
- Enjoy the power, control, destructive images, and scenarios.
- Identifying only with the physical body and household needs, considering them the most important.
- Feel like a victim.
What areas does Selena protect for?
Areas associated with Selena will experience stronger karmic cleaning if they accumulated dirt, blackouts. Selena, like the shining Sun, brightly illuminates dirt that was previously less visible. On the other hand, if there are accumulated positive qualities, Selena brings gifts, well-being, bright power, the removal of obstacles.
The Scorpion countries in Europe are Spain, Sweden, Hungary. Colors – burgundy, red and black combinations.
Scorpio’s areas are secret power structures, martial arts, secret organizations, big business, banking, on the other hand, spiritual energy practices, esoterics. In these areas there can be cleaning, exposing dark things to the light of the Sun – to cleanse them, empowering those who strive not only for themselves but also for the good of the Earth and humanity.
What protection does Selena provide to zodiac signs?
♈️ You will experience protection in secret areas, so you should show yourself less, curb selfishness, and self-praise. The more unnoticed you will be, the more protection and blessing you will experience.
♉️ Protection will be provided by a partner, listen to them, it will prevent mistakes dictated by selfishness, especially in the second half of the year. To have protection, it is very important to be able to reconcile one’s own and others’ interests, listen to the other partner’s opinion, and cooperate.
♊️ Protection will be provided by the honest performance of their duties. Look for ways to provide services to others that can benefit the world, and you will have not only a job but the gratitude of others, protection of destiny, bliss, and health. By giving more attention for a healthy lifestyle, you can discover great ways to transform diseases into health – both for yourself and others.
♋️ Protection will be provided by children, but the most important thing is to love and became a creator – it will prevent all misfortunes, there will be magical protection in extreme situations. Good events for children are possible, with the consent of a loved one.
♌️ Protection will be provided by the walls of the native home, family, relatives, ancestors. Express gratitude to them and you will be successful, and saved. You can buy or manage a house, pay attention to the mother.
♍️ Protection will be provided by communication, new acquaintances, so communicate, share information, learn new things, be simple, accessible and you will have guardianship and support.
♎️ Protection will be provided by stability, the ability to take care of yourself and those around you, you can find ethical sources of earnings, adjust the condition of the physical body through the consistency and right methods.
♏️ This position brings blessings and protection for the personality. You should become an example to others – helping not to be disturbed in extreme situations, inspiring courage for a lot of people.
♐️ You will receive protection if you turn to spiritual practices, give them time. Do not avoid loneliness, and listen to yourself and your inner needs. You can receive light spiritually teaching, it’s a good time for pilgrimage travels, visiting sacral places.
♑️ Protection will be provided by friends, collective activities, you can meet your comrades, get involved in the humanitarian projects that the Earth so desperately needs. Let yourself dream – dreams will take you where you need to.
♒️ You can get protection if you set yourself high goals and pursue them, you will be faithful to your principles, do not agree with the small, you will use perseverance. You can then succeed in your career if your goals are important to the world as well.
♓️ Protection will be provided by knowledge of the laws, a broad worldview, it is a great time for public presentations, meetings with important people, for travels. If you want protection, don’t close in your shell – improve, travel, study, have an independent opinion, become a teacher for others.