On March 21 the Sun enters Aries. It’s a special moment – one of the four most important cross points of the year, on which the celebrations of all religions and traditions are based. At that time, the length of day and night – and hence the amount of darkness and light – is equal and the light (in Northern hemisphere) begins to increase.
Why is this moment so important?
The perfect balance on Earth between the Northern and Southern hemispheres is achieved at this point because the Ecliptic crosses the Equator.
Well, what does that mean specifically?
- The Sun is rising exactly in the East and descending in the West;
- day and night in both hemispheres last 12 hours,
- the Sun is exactly at the top of the sky at the Equator.
Thus, the Yin-Yang, masculine and feminine energies, darkness and light, are equal, balanced all over the Earth. This moment is one of the two moments of balance and equilibrium during the year. And it’s the moment of the victory of light for the inhabitants of Northern hemisphere. It is both the time of power and the time of balance, so we choose our way more freely, liberating from the shadows of the past. The Avesta tradition celebrates the New Year on this day. It’s logical – the Sun starts a new circle, entering the Aries zodiac sign.
Year of the Deer
According to the Avesta tradition, this year is the year of the Deer, with Divine Mother as the Patron of the year. It is a serious year for Conscience, Inner strength, and the defense of what is most sacred in each of us. It is a women’s year: they are given protection, an initiative to act, their influence this year will be essential in all spheres of life.
The most important features to be developed are grace, romance, artistry, aestheticism, idealism, honesty, striving for the goal, ambition, perseverance. Be like a deer – graceful, charming, smooth and peaceful, but also persistent and firm. Another important feature is pure Conscience (the deer is the symbol of purity.) It is elitist, does not allow itself to be rude, untruthful, deceptive because it is disgusting. Intuition is more important than rationality.
The greatest danger is related to cynicism, exaggerated rationalism, insult, especially if related to the mother. It will not be tolerated.
Besides, the position of the North Node in Cancer also points to the same values, the same lessons related to gentleness, adjustment, intuition, respect for the family, motherhood.
What’s the best way to meet Spring Equinox and the New Year?
First of all, clean your body and soul (the Avesta tradition has the 5 zero-days for purification before the beginning of the new cycle). The Sun enters Aries – a sign of clarity in every respect:
- clarity as truth,
- clarity as conscience,
- clarity as cleanness,
- clarity as courage to act,
- clarity as the light of consciousness.
It is recommended to get up and meet the dawn, the first sunrays, to open up and accept the vivid clarity provided by this moment. Ask for clarity, cleanliness, the light of consciousness, the blessing for yourself and the world. Open to the Sun, fill up with his light, communicate with a source of life and light. Through the Sun we can experience Divinity. Ask for strength and give in to a new beginning, a new stage of creation.
It is also amazing that around the Equinox (March 20-21) a number of strong, harmonious aspects will form: a Mars and Pluto trine gives power and energy, a Mercury and Saturn trine helps to strategize ideas and turn them into long-term plans, and a Venus and Jupiter sextile promises love, prosperity, and opens up new opportunities. So let’s open to the awakening spring force, to love, creativity, to the blessing of the Sun. Let’s express respect for the Creator, and wake up the creating forces in our souls.