On November 22, Sun enters Sagittarius. This is a very strong, even special, time, because in the Sagittarius there is also a Jupiter (in it’s own house, therefore extremely strong). The energy of Jupiter’s fire, which is also supported by Uranus returning to Aries, is now also expanding through the Sun. So in this period (from November 22 to December 22), Jupiter’s energies are particularly important to everyone: since the Sun expresses the principle of consciousness, it is the best time for everyone understand energies and programs of Jupiter and invite them into their lives.
Sagittarius qualities
These qualities are especially important, when Sun travels in Sagittarius):
- positivity;
- justice,
- faith in the meaningfulness of the world;
- openness, straightness;
- sense of humour;
- wide view, tolerance;
- respect for both yourself and others;
- striving for improvement, growing.
It’s time
- to travel, to be interested in different cultures of the world;
- to study, to seek to know the laws of being;
- to express respect, gratitude to the teachers;
- to find authority and follow it, get inspired by it;
- have a vision of the future and pursue it.
The Sagittarius enjoys a great aspirations and a broad thinking, so if you want to succeed at this period of time, you should think more broadly, use humour and have authority in your life, which inspires you (or, maybe, you should became an authority for someone?).
What will steal the success in this period of time?
- finery, trifles;
- pessimism, negativity;
- cynicism;
- suspicion, closing from the world;
- exaggerated materialism, routine; narrow interests;
- self-pity.
This, in general, is ineffective, but during this period – especially, it’s a straight road to become “overboard”. It’s even difficult to imagine, that such a person could somehow succeed.
What kind of activities are favourable for this period?
It’s a good time for a variety of activities, especially those who are related to abroad, traveling, learning, presentations, empowerment, creation of your life vision.
What do you want to achieve? What do you want to do? In what and who can you trust? – it’s the best time to ask those questions yourself, when Sun is traveling through Sagittarius. This is a good time for the studies of philosophy, understanding spiritual laws. Supported will be those people, who are widespread, highly ambitious, useful for the world. This is definitely not the time for grey mouse, and the approach “Sit quietly and maybe you somehow survive” at this moment won’t work, it looks very dull and immediately leaves such a person “overboard” of the flow of life (and success).
And yet…
It should be kept in mind that in present time the spreading energy in the Sagittarius is experiencing confrontation with a strongly expressed water element – Pisces zodiac sign. There are Mars and Neptune (also in a strong position, at his home). This confrontation you can see in the world through the inharmonious expansions of fire and water (fires in California and the flood in Saudi Arabian desert).
So while retaining the strongest features of Sagittarius – faith and positivity, it is necessary to protect yourself from the illusions (the square of the Sun and Mars with Neptune in the beginning of December), a strong desire to rapidly reach the peak, adventurism.
In addition, Mercury will move retrograde until December 6, pausing new information and contacts, pushing to review the ones you already have. As a result, this time is not very favourable for buying cars, telephones, computers.
When is the best time to start the important work?
It’s best to start it after the New Moon, 10-22 of December. This is one of the best and most active periods this year.