Lunar Nodes changed position from Cancer-Capricorn to Gemini-Sagittarius axis May 5, 2020 and will be in this position for a year and a half, until January 18, 2022. It is a fundamental change. Although the Lunar Nodes are not planets, but the intersection of the ecliptic and the lunar orbit, they are essential, even very important to understand for successful evolution and meaningful life. We often ask ourselves, “What is my mission in life?” Philosophers and psychologists are looking for an answer to this, but only astrologers have the keys to that, and those keys are Lunar Nodes, as North Node in astrology is related to the mission of life.
What Lunar Nodes are?
Lunar Nodes are not planets, but points associated with the eclipse axis – with some ratio of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. These are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic. They indicate the direction of evolution, what qualities and actions are essential in this incarnation to develop and realize. The Lunar Nodes are always in opposition, but that opposition is different from that of the planets – it describes that these two points, called Rahu and Ketu, cannot be analyzed and realized separately.
Rahu, or North Node, usually refers to the karmic lessons of this incarnation, what we must learn, what we must strive to realize, achieve n this life.
Ketu, or South Node, expresses the work gained in the past, what is already learned in the past. On these qualities, we can rely, but no longer need to pursue or learn particularly. Still, it is good to use them to achieve Rahu’s goals.
To understand our karmic lessons, we need to study the position of the Lunar Nodes in the natal horoscope, both the sign and the house. The sign with the North Node will show the character traits to be developed, and house – an area of activity where realization should be sought.
* There are two ways to calculate Lunar Nodes: True Node and Mean Node, the difference between them can be up to 2.5 degrees because Lunar Nodes do not move quite evenly due to different forces acting. More often, astrologers use True Lunar Nodes. However, due to this difference, the transition time may vary slightly. On the other hand, the new position of Lunar Nodes is taking place gradually,
You can find the meanings of North Node Node in the signs here:
What does North Node in Gemini teach us?
It becomes crucial to learn communication, to gain ease, to be accessible, to be more student than a teacher because these two phases are repeated continuously: no matter how smart we are, how much knowledge we have, there is always something new to learn, and our exceptional experience is just a drop in space. It is essential to keep this in mind during this period. Then the world will open up information and help you grow.
Let’s think… when a person starts the aging process? When he really feels he’s getting old? When a person thinks that he no longer has anything to learn, that he knows everything best of all, and finally. And there is nothing final in the world; everything is changing, new things are always appearing – now it is especially important to let new information in, to look at the world freshly, in a new way; to be friendly, open to communication, to develop mind, discernment, to gain knowledge, to share information.
And, conversely, self-assertion, emphasizing one’s personality and authority would be a step backward, contrary to evolutionary tendencies.
It does not mean that it is necessary to renounce the manifestations of Sagittarius – foreign travel, academic studies, ignore the authorities. After all, the South Node gives us a foundation, a basis for achieving essential goals, for evolution, but used as a base for growth, not as the main goal.
So what is favorable to do this period?
- study, gain knowledge and professional skills
- strive for diversity, allow yourself to engage in exciting activities
- take an interest in scientific innovations
- master smart technology
- do not be afraid to become a student from a teacher – to ask, to be curious, to be interested
- a youthful image will be accessible at the moment
- upgrade computer, and phone
- move to more natural, less formal communication
- it is a good time for educational activities
- pay attention to the close environment – neighbors, brothers, sisters
- simplicity, lightness, friendliness, curiosity, and a desire to learn are the keys to this period.
Karmic lessons for Zodiac Signs
♈️ Learn new things, be open to communication, and be simple. Do not be afraid to learn, and the world will open up opportunities for you to grow – new knowledge, and valuable acquaintances. Pay attention to brothers and sisters, communicate with neighbors. It is not time to look somewhere far away, but it is time to study, to learn, to learn.
♉️ A good time to take care of earnings, accumulation opportunities – not a time to take risks. Economics, finance are topics that are important to understand. Save part of your income. On the other hand, looking around, you will discover great new sources of earnings, as long as you develop professionalism, responsibility, keep ethics, update knowledge, and don’t hesitate to learn. Take care of your body, healthier food, and beauty treatments.
♊️ Eventually, you will not only discover yourself but also become an inspiration to others. Your ease, communication will be needed by many, and your generous sharing of information will be appreciated. It is time to take on new activities, to realize your abilities – you are necessary for the world. Learn, get education, dare to create, dream, express your nature.
♋️ It’s time to look back at the inner world, to focus more time and attention on spiritual practices. Turning to routine would be degradation – you know and can perform your duties, but there is also a duty to your soul and spirit. Sign up for a yoga studio or start meditating, take a look at spiritual literature, do not be afraid of loneliness – listen to yourself, and you discover spiritual treasures, deep wisdom, and knowledge.
♌️ Friends become especially important – if you want to evolve, coordinate with collective activities, co-create, get involved in social projects. You can rediscover communities, make friends – now it is especially important to learn to be a friend, to allow yourself to have dreams together with others ad realize them.
♍️ Set big goals, and dare to achieve them, focus on your career. Say to yourself: “Everything can be learned.” Don’t be afraid to ask – information is the key to achieving goals. Another point – dare to take on the challenge of leadership – it’s not so scary. You can become influential if you master information technologies, learn to work with information, and contacts.
♎️ Do not be afraid to be noticeable – it’s time to take a position of authority to present your activities, bring them to the public. For evolution, it is important not to close in one’s immediate environment, in narrow interests, but to open the world more widely – to study, to travel, to expand the boundaries of benefits, to become a teacher for others, to grow, to improve. Now the ability to communicate is especially important, and that’s what you know perfectly well, let faith and inspiration spread your wings.
♏️ You can feel a strange attraction to esoteric, secret things – from conspiracy theories to quantum physics or secret organizations, symbol systems, codes. The essential task is to work with sensitive information, collect it, and to hold your tongue behind your teeth. A good time to start a business, accumulate inner strength, master energy practices, and martial arts.
♐️ The most important thing now is to learn to coordinate with your partner. If you want popularity, you need to listen to the needs of the audience and balance your own and your partner’s needs – both marital and business. You will have to learn to be in tandem, and gain modesty. If you learn this, it can be a good time for public events, marriage, and partnership. Through partners, an evolutionary movement, improvement, and new information will come into your life. If you over-emphasize yourself, you will be stopped – it is time for karmic restraint.
♑️ It is essential to understand what services you can provide to the world, what can be useful, what others need – opportunities and personal growth will come through it. Raise your qualification, take an interest in the innovations of your profession, attend improvement courses and seminars. Pay attention to health, hygiene, move to a healthier lifestyle. You can do a lot in medicine, but have to be driven by a desire to serve people. Leaving, running into solitude, closing from the world would be untimely, not effective.
♒️ It is a time of your love, a time of creation. Dare to express yourself without hiding from the needs of others, dare to become a creator. It is perfect if information technologies are used for your productions if there is lightness and joy. Pay attention to your partner, spent time with children – this is the most important now. Let yourself rejoice, create, experience fullness – you deserve it.
♓️ For development, it is essential to understand your roots and origins – the homeland, parents, family, etc. It is a time for revealing family secrets, gathering information about the family, the next thing is to delve into the mysteries of real estate, make contact with the deepest layers of your soul, or study psychology. If you recklessly pursue a career, you will experience setbacks – now, it is essential to strengthen the foundation, internal security, connection with ancestors, and family. Naturally, there will be a tendency to be more at home, have more time with parents, children, and family.