On October 21, Lilith, or the Black Moon, enters Taurus and will be at this sign for nine months. What does it mean for everyone and the representatives of the zodiac signs?
What is Lilith, or Black Moon?
Lilith is not a planet but a mathematically calculated point associated with extreme egoism; it is an area aggravated in a karmic sense. One has transgressed for excessive selfishness, and therefore it isn’t easy to find adequate behavior. This area is often accompanied by a sense of guilt, uncertainty, and a greater chance of a fall here. Lilith’s period is nine years, and in one sign, it is nine months.
What does Lilit’s transition to Taurus change?
Nine months – from 2020 October 21 until 2021 July 18 – the greatest temptation and possibility of fall will be caused by greed and materialism. More care is needed in financial management, earning opportunities, making deals, or choosing purchases.
One can get the impression of this period that everything can be bought by money, both respect and love, that world is ruled by money, that spiritual values are not necessary, that respect and admiration are directly proportional to wealth’s size. Taking over in this way would mean a fall. On the other hand, there may be a tendency of parasitization at the expense of others, irresponsible use of resources, over-consumption, and vanity. This should be avoided.
It is essential to maintain respect for the Earth, diligence, ethical behavior, and to be able to take care of material deals, not ignoring or avoiding them, but also without over-consumption.
The Earth, agriculture, food, and beauty industries’ element will be aggravated, and unfair profits may be made here, to the detriment of health, by polluting Earth or the body with toxic substances.
Lilith in Taurus for Zodiac signs
Aries this position tempts them to earn unfairly, “because everyone does,” or out of resentment that he is underpaid. He may face machinations, exploitation at work, disruption of earnings benefits, frustration that it is impossible to earn honestly and survive decently, so “only fraudsters get rich.” However, it is essential to be able to take care of oneself while maintaining honesty and diligence.
Taurus needs to be especially vigilant so that everyday practicality does not turn into greed, and stability does not turn into blunt stubbornness and immersion into materialism. This is the wrong time for important initiatives. Be modest, avoid selfishness.
Gemini should avoid intrigues, secret enemies, and exploiters. On the other hand, quitting the world and avoiding work, living on benefits and charity is not right, you should think about how to earn money for yourself – you can do it. On the other hand, you mustn’t cover your inactivity with spirituality; it is not acceptable to close to the world at this time.
Unfair offers or frustrations for Cancer can come through friends; on the other hand, think about whether you are not exploiting them yourself or whether the relationship with them is fair. It would be wrong to choose friends based on wealth and benefit. Choose who are real friends you can trust, and try to be honest with friends yourself. Review your dreams – don’t have too much materialism in them.
The biggest temptation for Leo will be the desire to advance in his career, oppressing others. Should be avoided despotism, pride, or giving up spiritual values for a job. On the other hand, you may experience injustice or exploitation from your boss or disappointment with your career or essential life goals. Do not rush to conclude in this area.
Foreign travels and studies will be obscured for the Virgo. Use your innate modesty because if you strive to be necessary, influential, you may experience inconvenience. It is essential to choose the authorities you admire; they must be moral people. It is not the best time for foreign journeys – there can be frustrating losses.
It is an unfavorable time for Libra to start a business or take credit. One should resist the temptation to take risks and not allow oneself to get involved in it. It is also important not to give in gloomy thoughts, the inclination to mysticism, death romance, and dark colors. Avoid dismal places and ideas – they stick.
Scorpio will have an obscured area of partnership – think about what you choose for your partners. On the other hand, keep your loyalty, don’t betray. Be especially careful when signing contracts, check them carefully; do not be tempted by illegal actions for profit, follow the law. You may be disappointed with your partners – they turn out to be selfish but think about whether it’s not your own projection.
Sagittarius may be tempted to profit dishonestly by justifying that “everyone is doing the same.” Everyday work can seem repulsive, underpaid, undervalued, unattractive, and boss harassing and exploitative. As a result, there may be a desire to quit the job at all, saying that “only fools work.” It is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle and perform your duties honestly.
Capricorn may have a strange desire not to work at all. But one should not be tempted by speculation and investments – they can be unprofitable. Another danger is to start looking at love cynically, consumeristically, judging a loved one by his wallet or gifts. Children should be given special care, not hurry to be disappointed or confused by them, although they may provide more troubles during this period.
Aquarius can be a concern for home, family. It is not the right time to buy real estate. More tolerance is needed for family and homeland. On the other hand, they can be disappointed with being at home. The care of family and land could seem depreciated or underestimated. Avoid resentment, isolation, and victim position.
For Pisces misunderstandings, and distractions can arise with neighbors, brothers, sisters. These can appear greedy and selfish. On the other hand, it is essential to maintain kindness, think about what you are speaking, and distort information with your imaginations. Documents need to be handled carefully, checked several times before signing to avoid frustrating mistakes.
In the area in which Lilith touches, it is important to strive to uphold fundamental, essential values, not to renounce them, to resist temptations arising from greed and selfishness and to accept the grievances or injustices coming from the world without becoming a victim, but also by not allowing oneself to provoke wrongdoing. On the other hand, Lilith always needs to be analyzed together with Selena, it’s purity and light will help to resist Lilit’s temptations.