On January 21, 2024, a momentous astrological event unfolded, setting the celestial stage for the next 19 years. Pluto transitioned from Capricorn into Aquarius, marking its second ingress into this sign.
The first time this transit occurred was on March 23, 2023, when Pluto briefly sojourned in Aquarius for merely three months. During that period, we didn’t fully experience the depth of its transformative energies.
This year, Pluto will reside in Aquarius until September 2, immersing us in its profound influence. It will then briefly revisit Capricorn before making a decisive shift back into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, where it will remain until 2043.
This transit heralds a period of significant change, symbolizing the transition from traditional structures (Capricorn) to innovative and progressive ideas (Aquarius).
Indeed, if we aspire for successful and effective transformations, it’s crucial to gain a deeper understanding of Pluto’s operating principles and align ourselves with its energies. Pluto, in astrology, is often associated with profound change, regeneration, and rebirth. It challenges us to let go of old patterns and embrace the transformative process. By attuning to Pluto’s vibrations, especially as it transits into the innovative sign of Aquarius, we can navigate these changes more effectively. This period invites us to break free from outdated structures and beliefs, encouraging innovation, collective progress, and a deeper understanding of both personal and societal renewal.
How does Pluto work?
Pluto in astrology is associated with transformation, and therefore with extreme situations and crises, but also with the great power – controlling masses of people and large finances. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars, and financial crises are also associated with Pluto.
Pluto areas are large businesses, finances, surgery, risk-related activities, and emergencies. Pluto carries the rejection of the old and its transformation to another state. It does not take away. On the contrary, it brings power to the area it enters, transforming it fundamentally. This area will never be the same again; those changes are fundamental, not cosmetic.
Pluto’s force is impersonal. It is a force of essential transformation. Here we are not talking about individuals but humanity, nature, and the whole world. Therefore, Pluto’s energies must be accepted as an ocean wave: we must be alert and focused but not overstretched when we meet this wave. We must have calm courage and strength of spirit so that the wave will carry us and not sink to the bottom.
What has Pluto in Capricorn transformed?
Traveling through Capricorn, Pluto transformed the global economy (and it will last until the end of 2024). His transition to Capricorn 2008 coincides with the economic-financial crisis’s beginning. The finances and economy were the areas that needed to be transformed during this period.
Unfortunately, those transformations are usually not very easy; often, it is a crisis that requires changing the entire system. The period of Pluto in Capricorn ends in 2024 with the threat of a financial crisis and an outbreak of war in Ukraine.
The period of Pluto’s transit to Aquarius
Pluto, from March 23rd, is moving into Aquarius and will be here until June 11th. This time it will test new paths, bring transformation to the realms of Aquarius, and show the first signs of global changes and in what areas they will take place worldwide for the next 20 years. From June 11, by the end of 2023, Pluto will return to Capricorn again.
It will move to Aquarius for the second time on January 21st, 2024, and stay here until September 2nd. After that, it will return to Capricorn for a short time. On November 19th, 2024, Pluto will finally stay in Aquarius and will be here until 2043.
So this period of the next few years is a big step into the Aquarius mirror.
What will Pluto in Aquarius transform?
Pluto traveling through Aquarius will transform society and the social structure. Collective processes will be important, and scientific and technical inventions will integrate into society at a cosmic speed. By the way, the theme of space will become especially important.
What exactly could be the changes brought by Pluto in Aquarius?
At best
- Democracy is a gathering of communities and increasing their influence. Remote work and services.
- With the possibility of working from anywhere in the world, remote communication in the virtual space will become even wider, erasing the borders of states.
- Developing technologies and scientific discoveries provide opportunities for greater freedom of self-expression and more free time, through this – the opportunity to create, realize talents, defeat afflicting diseases, and create well-being for all.
- Free energy sources will open up.
- Perhaps there will be a mighty leap into space and an opening of knowledge about space that will change the concept of it and what we think we know about space. Perhaps humanity will become aware of itself as a cosmic civilization and at least come closer to the possibility of communicating with other civilizations.
- Greater tolerance and variability, cooperation. Closer, more open relations between states, religions, and races. The unification and communication of people will no longer be based on the principle of nationality, religion, or state as the most important but based on similar views, beliefs, and world vision.
In the worst case
- Totalitarianism, neocommunism. Expropriation of property, introducing the principle of equalization and through it the control system,
- A culture of “cancellation” when the right to have a different opinion is no longer allowed.
- Robotization, deprivation of freedom, and the pursuit of total control through technology.
- Irresponsible, anti-human use of scientific experiments and technologies.
Well, it is probably not without reason all spiritual traditions open up their sources of knowledge and information. There are many peaceful initiatives for the unification of humanity to step into the harmonious, not destructive, version of Aquarius.
Aquarius countries
Aquarius countries are Russia, Canada, and Norway. They will likely undergo a fundamental transformation, the first impulses we should already feel this spring.
Such a transformation is necessary. Yes, it can be painful, dramatic, and shocking if the country is stuck in its evolution and wants to live in the past. Then those changes come with a great crisis and considerable sacrifices. In any case, these few years will begin a shocking transformation for Russia. Coups, changes of government, and civil war are possible.
Let’s hope this will not lead to an even bigger international conflict during this time; the country will at least purify itself and move to a harmonious expression of Aquarius – from a communist dictatorship to a more democratic system and cooperation. And maybe they can show the world his beautiful side, the spirituality born during those sufferings.
Pluto in Aquarius for zodiac signs
Aries. Strength and transformation come through friends and collective social activities. You can join powerful movements and change your circle of friends. Choose what is essential, and do not waste energy on secondary things.
Taurus. Power and transformation in career. You are giving yourself large rations; what you had no longer satisfies you. This is a time of challenges and power in the career, opportunities to master large energies – both in managing people and large finances.
Gemini. It’s time to transform your worldview and outdated views and allow the power to lead you to a mission. This is a time of transformative trips or studies; let yourself explore the world.
Cancer. It is a time of inner strength when you may have to look at your deepest fears and transform them. Open up to the power of the spirit within you, and let it guide you. It is a time of challenge, diving into changes, and deep esoteric experiences. You can start or fundamentally transform your business.
Leo. Power and transformation come through partners. Some may fall back, and others may change, just like their relationship with them. If you can’t transform your view into a partnership, you can acquire powerful enemies; if you can – you will turn opponents into partners and do great things together.
Virgo. Challenges in work or health. The workplace transformation will take place, so you will have to raise qualifications, change the nature of work, and leave your comfort zone; then, you can get greater powers and resources. On the other hand, it is important to switch to a healthier lifestyle; the abilities of a healer can open up.
Libra. Powerful changes for or through children, transforming their lives or relationships with them. Creative abilities and powerful creativity can open up if you accept the challenge of becoming a creator in the broadest sense. While creating, you will transform and become something more than you were until now. Some will change their leisure interests; others may start trading on the stock market.
Scorpio. The home space will transform, and powerful changes will occur in the family. You can move, renovate your home, receive an inheritance or invest in real estate. On the one hand, the family will experience trials and challenges; but it is also an opportunity for the family to gain great power, control property, and create a large business.
Sagittarius. Influence, challenges, and opportunities, transformation comes through the immediate environment, relatives, neighbors, brothers, and sisters. On the one hand, it can change unrecognizably, or you will move to live somewhere else, or there will be relocations and big environmental changes. On the other hand, you can become famous through communication.
Capricorn. Sources of earnings and income will change. In this area, you need courage and strength to control powerful energies; then, you can successfully start a new business or transform an old one by applying new technologies and knowledge. If you want income growth, you must take risks and set yourself big, global tasks.
Aquarius. Your personality will experience a transformation – what you think about yourself will change beyond recognition. Great power comes to you, and with it always comes challenges. It is important to control that power, showing yourself and others the fundamental transformations, teaching freedom, friendship, and tolerance, but first of all, it is important to learn to carry that freedom boldly and powerfully.
Pisces. This period brings a powerful cleansing of the inner world transformation – of outdated habits, attachments, and fears. It is a great load, a challenge for the psyche, and a manifestation of a powerful spiritual force. By turning to the power of the spirit, you will not only become stronger, but you will also be able to help others.