This Year is the Year of Peacock by Persian (Avestian) tradition. It begins in the spring equinox when Sun enters Aries and the New Sun year begins.
The peacock is related to creativity, inspiration, and the ability to unfold your reality as if by itself, from yourself. This is the year of creative, talented, charismatic, bright people.
In the Avestan tradition, each year has its patron saint associated with a certain area. The guardian of the year of the peacock is the Holy Spirit. It is a very high guardian, encompassing all realms, leading directly to the source of spirit.
Born in the year of the Peacock
They are creative, self-sufficient, and proud people. They carry within themselves, as it were, some secret of creativity – creativity in the broadest sense, how to create reality. They generously share that beauty with the environment, but it seems to them to be modest and caring. Therefore, they may seem a bit arrogant to others. You can admire them and follow them, but they are always somewhat distant from the crowd, lonely, although inspiring.
They are constantly improving and growing, constantly surprising themselves and others. Graceful and artistic, solitary and unpredictable. Constantly discovering something new, acquiring new features.
The ant totem of the year is a gray, withered man who is jealous of talents, faith, and inspiration and destroys them with his withering, envy, and deceit. It’s like a combination of a toad and a lizard. These features should be avoided.
Characteristics of the Year of the Peacock
Peacock Year 1895, 1927, 1959, 1991, 2023.
If the previous one, the year of the Cheetah, according to the Avesta tradition, is ruled by a warlord. And the fights with them take place openly, with frequent military conflicts. The most important quality here is courage, decisiveness, and the ability to defend what is dear.
The year of the Peacock is guided by the Holy Spirit. It expresses itself strongly, but the attacks are also fiercer; it is necessary to defend oneself and the world. However, the struggle in those years occurs secretly, evil disguises itself, and deceit is used. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a true connection with the Spirit, clarity, purity, and not to be deceived. Thus, maintaining the connection with the Spirit, inner strength, and creativity, faith should be given the most important attention.
This is what got me through all the trials that year. We can remember 1990, the Cheetah year for Lithuania, when independence was won by defending, not retreating on the battlefield. It was a peaceful but bloody battle for us on January 13, 1991. This is the year of defending statehood. In 1991, the Soviet Union, called the Evil Empire, collapsed, Lithuania was admitted to the UN, and the independent Baltic countries were recognized worldwide. Thus, the hope of a bright life arose that year.
The Year of the Peacock is favorable
For creation, for unfolding talents. For all creators and independent, self-sufficient people who do not follow the opinions of others but have their own formed values, a rich inner world, which, however, they do not hesitate to share with others. This is the year of inspiring, creative leaders.
Yes, they can be somewhat arrogant or too bright, but they bring the much-needed vision of a different, hopeful life and show how to realize it. For prominent personalities, influencers How rare will be the influence of influencers, bright personalities? That influence will depend not so much on their knowledge but on their charisma, beauty, and the impressiveness of their vision.
That vision can be so unexpected and overwhelming, opening a completely different world They have that vision! This year, having a clear vision – what you want, what you want, where, and how you want to live – is very important. And determination and courage to realize it.
For beauty, fine arts. It can be said here that beauty will save the world. Beauty is an antidote to war, misery, and trouble. Creating an image, a bright, original image, is important this year. This is the year of artists, and fashion will flourish (especially since Jupiter will enter Taurus, the sign ruled by Venus).
For spirituality and magic. Peacock is a very magical animal. The colors of his feathers enchant, opening a fabulous, magical world. These, it seems, are not the colors of this world. They remind us of the eternal spirit, the heavenly worlds. The peacock doesn’t explain how to create or open those worlds yourself – it teaches you and reminds you that they exist and are possible. This is possible only through connection with the Spirit, the richness of the inner world. For realization, it is important to mature the inner potential, and awaken confidence in one’s values.
Risks of the Year of the Peacock
The spirit, its light, manifests itself strongly this year, but the attacks are fiercer; it needs to be defended in oneself and the world. However, the struggle in those years occurs secretly; evil disguises itself, and deceit is used. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a true connection with the Spirit, clarity, purity, and not to be deceived. There will probably be many such attempts to lead astray, entangle, use deception, and mask true aspirations.
Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention to the direct connection with the spirit, to purify the values, and to defend the virtues in oneself and the world in a peaceful way.
What should be done?
- Strengthen faith.
- Develop your talents and not be afraid to reveal them to the world. Dare to create and defend your reality, above all, your vision. For this, it is necessary to turn to inner, spiritual values.
- Cultivate beauty – in yourself and the environment. Find a creative space for yourself, an area where you want and can create.
What should be avoided?
- Withering, dullness, greyness, diminution.
- Disbelief, cynicism, pessimism.
- Separation from the world.
Let’s create the reality in which we would like to live. Where there would be space for freedom, creativity, and talents to unfold and share with the world. Where there would be space for a miracle to unfold.
This could be the slogan of the year. That’s what I wish for all of us!